This is not recommended due to the constantly changing requirements of
the Credit Card Associations (Visa/MasterCard/American Express). We keep our form up-to-date
with these requirements, and if you chose to use "Local Mode", you must keep your forms
up-to-date as well.
Integrating your Cold Fusion website with the IPPS credit-card processing system is much easier
than you think. This page is designed to assist Cold Fusion developers in the integration process.
"Local Mode" with Cold Fusion uses the built-in <CFHTTP ...> tag. A copy of the code
is available here.
The minimun fields that must be submitted to the IPPS credit-card processing system are:
- merchant_account
- firstname
- lastname
- email
- address1
- city
- state
- zip
- exp_mon
- exp_year
- card_number
- cvv2
- card_holder
- trans_amount
All of the IPPS data fields are available for use
with the Cold Fusion "Local Mode" and may be use as needed.
Developers Integration Page
Technical Support Help Page